TSG’s health division – which also provides the billing software used by GP practices across the Channel Islands, and by UK Primary Care bodies – received an urgent request from government to build the system amid soaring local demand earlier this month.
Within 48 hours, it had trialed the ‘PPE Online Portal’, which then went live for use shortly after.
A team of six worked around-the-clock to complete the online management system.
Pictured: Andy Delaney, the Chief Executive Officer, TSG Technology Services.
“This was a challenging project, but one which the team knew was vital to the fight against Covid-19,” Andy Delaney, Chief Executive Officer at TSG Technology Services, said.
“Even though we were all working from home, we were able to work together with the Government to provide this platform which allows the PPE Cell to manage the demand for equipment, ensuring it gets to the people who need it, when they need it. We are proud we have been able to support our frontline staff by using our IT expertise to provide this solution.”
The portal, which has been designed to be simple to use, allows frontline staff to request the PPE they need 24 hours a day. The system then passes requests to the PPE Co-ordination Group, which sends approved requests to the local distribution centre. Users then receive their approved requests for PPE later the same day.
Video: Dr Chris Edmond explains how the portal works.
The system supports nearly 200 organisations in Jersey that need PPE, including those that are carrying out essential work such as the States of Jersey Police, the Prison and Fire Service.
So far, over 350 orders have been received and processed.
Dr Chris Edmond, the Clinical Lead for Jersey’s PPE Cell, described the portal as “a crucial part” of the provision of PPE. “The portal makes it much easier for dedicated public and private healthcare staff to have the right equipment to do their essential jobs,” he said. “Having this system up and running so quickly and so smoothly made a huge difference.”
Pictured: Large shipments of PPE recently arrived in Jersey.
The Jersey Care Federation was one of the first local organisations to use the PPE Online Portal. “I was amazed at how easy it was to use and how quickly we received the equipment our team needed,” Cheryl Kenealy, Head of the Federation said.
“PPE has been a hotly debated topic here and in the UK, and it is great to see how one local company has responded to an urgent need to help the Government in these challenging times.”
Tony Moretta, CEO of Digital Jersey added: “It’s great to see the way TSG have responded quickly to put in place a digital system in Jersey which helps deal with an issue troubling governments across the world. It’s a really good example both of the expertise available in Jersey, and how technology can help our community through this crisis.”
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